commissioning and editing
From 1994-2005 Williams was Editor and Commissioning Editor (from 1997-2005) for Contemporary Art at Phaidon Press. There she edited some 50+ monographs in the ‘Contemporary Artists Series’:
“The boldest, best executed, and most far-reaching publishing project devoted to contemporary art. These books will revolutionize the way contemporary art is presented and written about.”—Artforum
“The combination of intelligent analysis, personal insight, useful facts and plentiful pictures is a superb format invaluable for specialists but also interesting for casual readers, it makes these books a must for the library of anyone who cares about contemporary art.”—Time Out
“A unique series of informative monographs on individual artists.”—The Sunday Times
“Gives the reader the impression of a personal encounter with the artists. Apart from the writing which is lucid and illuminating, it is undoubtedly the wealth of lavish illustrations which makes looking at these books a satisfying entertainment.”—The Art Book
At Phaidon, Williams also oversaw the ‘Themes and Movements’ series, and created + commissioned the cream series of biennials-in-a-book, 1998-2003. Other commissioned projects include Salon to Biennale: Exhibitions that Made Art History (ed. Bruce Altshuler), Gordon Matta-Clark (Thomas Crow, Corinne Disernes, Judith Russi Kirschner, Christian Kravagna) and Robert Mangold (Arthur C. Danto, Robert Storr, Richard Shiff, Nancy Princenthal, Sylvia Plimack Mangold).

contemporary artists series (as commissioning editor)
Vito Acconci
Survey: Frazer Ward | Interview: Mark C. Taylor | Focus: Jennifer Bloomer
Doug Aitken
Survey: Daniel Birnbaum | Interview: Amanda Sharp | Focus: Jörg Heiser
Francis Alÿs
Survey: Cuauhtémoc Medina | Interview: Russell Ferguson | Focus: Jean Fisher
Uta Barth
Survey: Pamela M. Lee | Interview: Matthew Higgs | Focus: Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe
Louise Bourgeois
Survey: Robert Storr | Interview: Paolo Herkenhoff | Focus: Alan Schwartzman
Cai Guo Qiang
Survey: Dana Friis-Hansen | Interview: Octavio Zaya | Focus: Takashi Serizawa
Maurizio Cattelan
Survey: Francesco Bonami | Interview: Nancy Spector | Focus: Barbara Vanderlinden | Update (2nd edition): Massimiliano Gioni
Vija Celmins
Survey: Lane Relyea | Interview: Robert Gober | Focus: Briony Fer
Tacita Dean
Survey: Jean-Christophe Royoux | Interview: Marina Warner | Focus: Germaine Greer
Mark Dion
Survey: Lisa Graziose Corrin | Interview: Miwon Kwon | Focus: Norman Bryson
Peter Doig
Survey: Adrian Searle | Interview: Kitty Scott | Focus: Catherine Grenier
Stan Douglas
Survey: Scott Watson | Interview: Diana Thater | Focus: Carol Clover
Marlene Dumas
Survey: Domenic van den Boogerd | Interview: Barbara Bloom | Focus: Mariuccia Casadio
Olafur Eliasson
Survey: Madeleine Grynsztejn | Interview: Daniel Birnbaum | Focus: Michael Speaks
Fischli and Weiss
Survey: Robert Fleck | Interview: Beate Söntgen | Focus: Arthur C Danto
Tom Friedman
Survey: Bruce Hainley | Interview: Dennis Cooper | Focus: Adrian Searle
Isa Genzken
Survey: Alex Farquarson | Interview: Diedrich Diederichsen | Focus: Sabine Breitwieser
Dan Graham
Survey: Birgit Pelzer | Interview: Mark Francis | Focus: Beatriz Colomina
Hans Haacke
Survey: Walter Grasskamp | Interview: Molly Nesbit | Focus: Jon Bird
Thomas Hirschhorn
Survey: Benjamin H.D. Buchloh | Interview: Alison M. Gingeras | Focus: Carlos Basualdo
Roni Horn
Survey: Louise Neri | Interview: Lynne Cooke | Focus: Thierry de Duve
Ilya Kabakov
Survey: Boris Groys | Interview: David A. Ross | Focus: Iwonz Blazwick
Alex Katz
Survey: Carter Ratcliff | Interview: Robert Storr | Focus: Iwonz Blazwick
Mike Kelley
Survey: John Welchman | Interview: Isabelle Graw | Focus: Anthony Vidler
On Kawara
Survey: Jonathan Watkins | Interview: ‘Tribute’ | Focus: Rene Denizot
William Kentridge
Survey: Dan Cameron | Interview: Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev | Focus: J.M. Coetzee
Yayoi Kusama
Survey: Laura Hoptman | Interview: Akira Tatehata | Focus: Udo Kulturmann
Christian Marclay
Survey: Jennifer Gonzalez | Interview: Kim Gordon | Focus: Matthew Higgs
Paul McCarthy
Survey: Ralph Rugoff | Interview: Kristine Stiles | Focus: Giacinto Di Pietrantonio
Cildo Meireles
Survey: Paolo Herkenhoff | Interview: Gerardo Mosquera | Focus: Dan Cameron
Lucy Orta
Survey: Roberto Pinto | Interview: Nicholas Bourriaud | Focus: Maia Damianovic
Raymond Pettibon
Survey: Robert Storr| Interview: Dennis Cooper | Focus: Ulrich Loock
Richard Prince
Survey: Rosetta Brooks | Interview: Jeff Rian | Focus: Luc Sante
Pipilotti Rist
Survey: Peggy Phelan| Interview: Hans Ulrich Obrist | Focus: Elizabeth Bronfen
Anri Sala
Survey: Mark Godfrey | Interview: Hans Ulrich Obrist | Focus: Liam Gillick
Doris Salcedo
Survey: Nancy Princenthal | Interview: Carlos Basualdo | Focus: Andreas Huyssen
Roman Signer
Survey: Gerhard Mack | Interview: Paula van den Bosch | Focus: Jeremy Millar
Lorna Simpson
Survey: Kelly Jones | Interview: Thelma Golden | Focus: Chrissie Iles
Wolfgang Tillmans
Survey: Jan Verwoert | Interview: Peter Halley | Focus: Midori Mitsuro
Luc Tuymans
Survey: Ulrich Loock | Interview: Juan Vicente Aliaga | Focus: Nancy Spector | Update (2nd edition): Hans Rudolf Reust
Gillian Wearing
Survey: Russell Ferguson | Interview: Donna De Salvo | Focus: John Slyce
Franz West
Survey: Robert Fleck | Interview: Bice Curiger | Focus:Neal Benezra
contemporary artists series (as editor)
Christian Boltanski
Survey: Didier Semin | Interview: Tamar Garb | Focus: Donald Kuspit
Richard Deacon
Survey: Jon Thompson | Interview: Pier Luigi Tazzi | Focus: Peter Schjeldahl | Update (2nd edition): Penelope Curtis
Jimmie Durham
Survey: Laura Mulvey | Interview: Dirk Snauwert | Focus: Mark Alice Durant | Update (2nd edition): Kate Nesin
Antony Gormley
Survey: John Hutchinson | Interview: Sir Ernst Gombrich | Focus: Lela B. Njatin | Update (2nd edition): W.J.T. Mitchell
Paul Graham
Survey: Andrew Wilson | Interview: Gillian Wearing | Focus: Carol Squiers
Mona Hatoum
Survey: Guy Brett | Interview: Michael Archer | Focus: Catherine De Zegher
Jenny Holzer
Survey: David Joselit | Interview: Joan Simon| Focus: Renata Saleci
Mary Kelly
Survey: Margaret Iversen | Interview: Douglas Crimp | Focus: Homi K. Bhabha
Thomas Schütte
Survey: Julian Heynen | Interview: James Lingwood | Focus: Angela Vettese
Nancy Spero
Survey: Jon Bird | Interview: Jo Anna Isaak | Focus: Sylvère Lotringer
Jessica Stockholder
Survey: Barry Schwabsky | Interview: Lynne Tillman | Focus: Lynne Cooke
Jeff Wall
Survey: Thierry de Duve | Interview: Arielle Pelenc | Focus: Boris Groys | Update (2nd edition): Jean-Francois Chevrier
Lawrence Weiner
Survey: Alexander Alberro | Interview: Benjamin H.D. Buchloh | Focus: David Batchelor and Alice Zimmerman
themes and movement series, phaidon

themes and movements
Arte Povera
editor Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev (with Iwona Blazwick)
The Artist’s Body (with Iwona Blazwick)
editor Tracey Warr, survey editor Amelia Jones
Art and Feminism (with Iwona Blazwick)
editor Helena Reckitt, survey editory Peggy Phelan
Conceptual Art
editor Peter Osborne
Land and Environmental Art
editor Jeff Kastner, survey editor Brian Wallis
editor James Meyer
cream, biennales-in-a-book
other books
other books
House, Rachel Whiteread
James Lingwood, Jon Bird, Doreen Massey, Iain Sinclair, Richard Shone, Neil Thomas, Anthony Vidler, Simon Watney
Amandes Ameres
Jean Marc Bustamante
Salon to Biennale: Exhibitions That Made Art History
Phaidon (2008) by Bruce Altshuler and Phaidon Editors
pressPLAY: Contemporary Artists in Conversation (2005)
50 interviews with key contemporary artists, the complete Phaidon interviews 1995-2005
Gordon Matta-Clark (2003)
by Thomas Crow, Corinne Disernes, Judith Russi Kirschner, Christian Kravagna
Robert Mangold (2000)
by Arthur C. Danto, Richard Shiff, Robert Storr, Nancy Princenthal, Sylvia Plimack Mangold